In a world where technology often overshadows imagination, the ' Use The Force ' GPT emerges as a beacon of creativity and guidance, blending the beloved "Star Wars" lore with the cutting-edge AI technology. This innovative GPT offers not just answers, but a journey through the cosmos of decision-making, guided by the wisdom of Yoda and the commanding presence of Darth Vader. A Long Time Ago in a Digital Galaxy Far, Far Away: Imagine seeking wisdom in the vast expanse of space, where your personal dilemmas find solace in the counsel of two of the most iconic characters from the "Star Wars" universe. ' Use The Force ' GPT opens with a scene-setting narrative, inviting users to step into a world where their queries are addressed with the unique philosophies of the Light and Dark sides of the Force. Dual Perspectives for Every Query: Whether you're contemplating a career move or seeking guidance in personal growth, ' Use The Force ' GPT of...